Saturday, October 4, 2008

Whe the US Dollar May Surprise; Euro-banks are Worse

"The problem for European regulators is that European banks rival or in some cases exceed the economic size of their native European economies, making a rescue package in Europe difficult, according to Gros and Micossi. For example, Deutsche Bank, with an overall leverage ratio of 50, has liabilities of €2 trillion, over 80% of the entire German economy. The liabilities of Barclays PLC, at £1.3 trillion - with a leverage ratio of 60 - exceed the entire U.K. economy, they say."WSJ blog

MUST READ interactive chart here which explains the Euro banks are both too big to fail and perhaps too big to save. A dozen individual banks with more assets than their nation's total GDP. European bank centralization problems, a reminder of the anchient Euro-banking oligarchy.

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